The North Star
Stephen Covey famously once said: “Begin with end in mind".
Let us start by reminding ourselves that, at the very core, if we were to ask you, "Why did you join this program?", you would have a specific answer. That foundational answer is what we're going to call your "core desire". It's the whole reason you're here.
If we go a layer above that and ask the same question you could say, "I'm here to make money, so that I can acquire [core desire]."
If we go a layer above that and ask the same question you could say, "I'm here to close and retain flat fee lead generation deals, so that I can make money, so that I can acquire [core desire]."
As you go through this program and work your business, always remember that we're doing what we're doing so that you acquire [core desire]. Every future action should be aligned with moving the needle unto that end of closing deals, that way you can achieve the ultimate end that is your core desire.
The Formula Approach: The Best Way To Approach Acquiring [your core desire]
"To get what we want [your core desire], we have to do the things that get us that thing."
We will use this quote as our fundamental foundation to operate from.
Success is the "output" or the desired result of the formula. What we do are the "inputs" or the components of the formula. In order to get "success" as our end result (output), we have to have the right inputs.
Let's put that quote in the form of a more structured strategy. We will call it the "Success Formula".
Success Formula
1) Identify your core desire
2) Create the map on how to acquire it
3) Follow the map until you acquire it
Identify core desire + Create map on how to acquire it + Follow the map = core desire.
Step #2 is one the main purposes of this program. We are here to help you know what actions you need to take AND how to take them.
The best way to think about step #2 is in the form of a formula. We do "x" to get "y". It's not a perfect approach (there will always be unaccounted for variables) but it's the most efficient and effective approach there is.
We will now introduce what we will call the "Core Desire Acquired From Close Deals Formula".
Core Desire Acquired From Closed Deals Formula
Closed deals = money = [core desire]
Now we'll add another, the "7 Steps To Closed Deal Formula"
7 Steps To Closed Deal Formula
(Step 1) Market Research + (Step 2) Prospect List + (Step 3) Landing Page + (Step 4) Ad Campaign + (Step 5) Prospecting + (Step 6a) Live Transferring + (Step 6b) The Setup + (Step 7) The Close = Closed Deal
Within each of the 7 steps, there are formulas to completing each step.
The reason we're doing all of this is to complete step #2 of the "Success Formula". Now we are creating a map where we know EXACTLY what are our next action should be so that, when all the mapped out actions are completed, we arrive at our desired end destination (which is closed deals/money/your core desire).
We see that the 7 Steps To Closed Deal Formula = Core Desire Acquired From Closed Deals Formula. What is left for Step #2 of the Success Formula is to breakdown the formulas for each of the 7 steps. This is the "meat and potatoes" of this program. This is the nitty gritty.
The final 7 formulas are:
1) Market Research Formula
2) Propsect List Formula
3) Landing Page Formula
4) Ad Campaign Formula
5) Prospecting Formula
6a) Live Transferring Formula
6b) The Setup Formula
7) The Close Formula
Now, to combine ALL our formulas:
Market Research Formula + Propsect List Formula + Landing Page Formula + Ad Campaign Formula + Prospecting Formula + Live Transferring Formula + The Setup Formula + The Close Formula
= 7 Steps To Closed Deal Formula
= Core Desire Acquired From Closed Deals Formula
= Step #2 of the Success Formula
It 100% on you to identify your end destination (your core desire), which is Step #1 of the Success Formula.
We will help you create the map on how to get there, which is Step #2 of the Success Formula.
It is 100% on you to properly follow the map and to NOT give up when you hit inevtiablhey hit roadblocks, which is Step #3 of the Success Formula.